These are selected highlights from personal mapping projects I
have done for various games. I have been making maps and mods since
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Beacon (CoastVille contest entry)
A rebel camp along the coast has been wiped out, and the culprits are nowhere to be found. Perhaps there is more to the nearby lighthouse than there seems. This map was made in just 5 days and finished 1st place.
Find a way to cross a collapsed bridge.
Your pal Barney has been abducted by the Combine and taken to an infamous police station known as Precinct 17. Rescue Barney from his captors and escape. A standalone single player mod with custom title screen, voice acting and choreography.

Explore a flooded train station to save a lost Vortigaunt. Finished 1st Place.
Rebels have received information that a Hunter has turned against
the Combine. Freeman must rescue this Hunter and bring it back to White
Forest before the Combine euthanize it. Fight alongside a friendly
Hunter in this unique and inventive map that was a 2nd place finisher
among 15 entries.
Freeman must traverse a dangerous chasm using a tram near a lodge held by Combine forces in order to reach Alyx. Made in just one week, High Wire won top honors in a competition with 13 maps.
Truss (VerticalVille2 contest entry and winner)
Freeman has to find a way to lower a drawbridge so a train can
continue on to White Forest. The scenic bridge was made from several
custom props.

Freeman volunteers to investigate a mysterious and disturbing
distress call emanating from Camp 43, which has broadcast on a
never-ending loop to all rebel stations around White Forest.
Freeman reunites with the illustrious Colonel Odessa Cubbage as the two
work to escape City 17 before the Citadel explodes. Originally built
for the CityStreetsVille
competition, the mod edition of Avenue Odessa adds a thrilling second
level aboard a moving train. Features extensive choreography and custom
voice work.
Trapped inside Nova Prospekt, a weaponless Freeman has to escape
from his cellblock. Fortunately, fellow prisoners have devised
“Operation: Miter,” a whirling blade of death, but they were killed by
Stalkers in the process of trying to build the device. It’s up to
Freeman to finish what they started and chop, slice, and hack his way
out of the cellblock.

Captain Meriweather asks for assistance in disabling a Combine
Autogun that is preventing rebel ships from crossing a vital harbor.
This was a featured bonus map in a competition where entrants could
only use two weapons and two enemy types. Cannon Beach features
friendly Antlions. Use and sacrifice your Antlion friends to infiltrate
the Combine base and deal with a Strider.
In this critically acclaimed release, Freeman has clear out a train
station under Combine control so rebels onboard an incoming train can
pass safely to White Forest. If you play one level from me, make it
this one!
Black Mesa
In development for over 10 years, Black Mesa was envisioned as a complete remake of Half-Life 1 in the Source Engine. Packed with new content and custom assets, it uses the same Hammer Editor as other Source games. However, unlike the official Half-Life games, Black Mesa game has a built-in Steam Workshop.
While attempting to escape Black Mesa, Freeman’s tram is halted by a
military lockdown. In order to get the tram running again, he will have
to explore an office facility chiseled into the side of a canyon wall.
One of the first single player offerings for Black Mesa, and among the
Most Subscribed in its Steam Workshop, Bravado has over 5,000 subscribers
and a 98% approval rating with almost 300 votes. (Optional: VMF File).
En route to the Lambda Core, Freeman explores the Oasis Complex, a recreational facility at Black Mesa, and finds himself forming an alliance with an unlikely individual.
The indie game Overload is a spiritual successor to the classic six-degrees-of-freedom FPS, Descent produced by much of the same team. The level editor came out shortly after the game's release. Remarkably, while the game itself runs on Unity, the actual level construction is based upon the same cube-based techniques as the original games.
Titan Geothermal, constructed by Juno Offworld, produces energy for nearby mining operations compromised by robot insurgents. Destroying this facility will sever their energy supply.
To optimize response time between the Asteroid Belt and Saturn, Juno Offworld arranged for a contingency staff station in a long-term Cryo-Shelter on Titan, to be activated in the event of an emergency. CEO Kantor disabled this failsafe and turned the Operators rogue. The crew is in grave danger. Recover their Cryopods and destroy the facility.
A map for Challenge Mode. Deep beneath the surface of Skoll, endless caverns transport superheated, volatile gases from the geothermal plants of Cronus Frontier, congregating in Junction-F for expulsion to the surface. The miners know it by a different name: "Fuego." Don't let the pressure get to you, pilot. [Gameplay Video]
DOOM SnapMap
SnapMap is the built-in level editor for DOOM (2016) which produces cross-platform maps for PC and console. While you are limited in your ability to construct your own level geometry, the scripting component is surprisingly robust, offering plenty of gameplay and storytelling options.
- Caviar (SnapMap ID: NZKXJBL4): A delusional UAC executive sets his sights on Demonic transformation. Stop him. One of the few maps selected as a Featured Map, Caviar has almost 25,000 plays. [Gameplay Video]
- Third Rail (SnapMap ID: HERFXQDL): With the help of VEGA, the Doom Marine must find a way to restore power to an outbound Tram. This map was also featured on the front page of SnapMap and has almost 9,000 plays. [Gameplay Video]
- Irrevenant (SnapMap ID: HLK65JE6): The Demons thought you would be their ally. They were wrong. You play as a Revenant in this map, using your rocket launcher and jetpack to slaughter Demons left and right. The last map I produced for SnapMap, this one has just over 4,000 plays. [Gameplay Video]
- Argent Overload (SnapMap ID: 3Q9MARYX): Sabotage an Argent Reactor and make a thrilling escape in this single player map!
- Argent Overload ][ (SnapMap ID: NC576AWX): Advocates! Become part of the Demonic Transformation Project today! [Gameplay Video]
- Five Charges (SnapMap ID: QCKZXP3D): Eerie atmosphere gives way to explosions in this short, intense map! [Gameplay Video]
- Nautilus (SnapMap ID: VDAF5WMH): Trapped in Hell, the Doom Slayer must find a teleporter to escape the spiraling Nautilus. [Gameplay Video]
- The Refinery (SnapMap ID: A63Q266E): Fight your way through a Demon-infested refinery. This was the first map I made with SnapMap.
FreeSpace 2
FreeSpace 2 is one of the most revered classics of the arcade space combat genre. Developed by the crew that worked on Descent, you go on all kinds of thrilling missions, defending enormous capital ships. It came with the FRED editor, which lets you choreograph and script your own missions.
In this throwback mission, Alpha and Beta Wings are tasked with
defending the Maia Installation, a medical facility thought to be a
critical target for the Neo-Terran Front. Compatible with FreeSpace Open as well as vanilla FreeSpace 2, this mission contains entirely custom voice acting from several modders in the Source community.
- Nekhbet (Selected as part of Volition’s Sci-Fi Sim of the Year Edition)
FreeSpace: The Great War
- Marathon
- Taranova 2: A Way Out
- Conflict at Taranova
Unreal Tournament 2004 / Unreal Tournament
Descent 3
- Reactor Gamma (Single player)
- Centroid Military Base (Single player)
- Halcyon (Very popular CTF map)
- Elysium (Popular 1v1 map)
Descent 2
Take a trip back to the 1990s in this map for the 360º 3D classic,
Descent 2. Explore a robot-infested mine in this exciting map that
features Descent 1 robots in a Descent 2 environment. The DXX-Rebirth source port is recommended! Level is available at DMDB,
- Project: Mandrill (5 single player levels + 2 secrets) (Winner of the Internet Descent Levels Contest)
- The Phobos Encounter (4 single player levels + 2 secrets)
- Chasm (5 single player levels + 2 secrets)